Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Overview

Question: write a brief synopsis of the article to turn in and be prepared to discuss in class. Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview from Malaysia The present article Nasir, Noor Emilina Mohd, et al. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview from Malaysia."J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci4.10S (2015): 82-87. is selected in the study, diversifies the concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the organization an overview from Malaysia. The concept of business ethics concludes the application of different kinds of rules and regulations in the operations of the enterprise. Different country develops different rules and regulations of Corporate Social Responsibilities. On the other hand, the concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility is more or less same in different organizations. The concept of the CSR is an important issue that results in the increase in the number of rules and regulation in Malaysia. The present article, which is selected in the study, concludes about all the facts and findings of CSR in the operations of the business. The concept of CSR has become a global trend in the last few decades (Nasir et al.) The selected country in the study is Malaysia. There is a rapid development of the concept of the CSR in Malaysia. Malaysia becomes one of the most common and emerging economies across the world in the development process of CSR across the world. The concept and the application of the CSR are not restricted only in Malaysia. It is one of the global concepts. A different organization based on the requirements of the business develops different notions of corporate social responsibility. The present article, which is selected in the study, diversifies the concept of the CSR in the organization an overview from Malaysia. This particular investigation procedure is developed by different organization kinds of research work. Based on the findings of the research work, CSR has become one of the most crucial ethics for every company in the world. The concept of CSR is the contribution of some portion of the profit of the company towards the development process of the backward area of the country. There are several benefits, which are concluded by the application of the Corporate Social Responsibility. Advisement and business sustainability are the main advantages which majority of the organizations achieves in the process of developing strong Corporate Social Responsibility. The selected article in the study concludes different factors, which are highlighted in the development process of Corporate Social Responsibility. A separate organization based on the requirements of the Commerce adopts a different concept of the CSR in the operations of the business. The selected article in the study concludes various factors, which are highlighted in the development process of Corporate Social Responsibility. The ob jective of the study is to highlight several factors, which are responsible for the process of developing a proper corporate responsibility in the operations of the business. On the other hand, if the company fails to maintain a specific CSR it will put a negative effect on the enterprise operations. The majority of the companies in Malaysia sticky follows the concept and the application of the CSR in the business processes (Nasir et al.). The objective of the study is to focus different application of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the activities of the company. Reference List Nasir, Noor Emilina Mohd, et al. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview from Malaysia."J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci4.10S (2015): 82-87.

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