Friday, December 27, 2019

A Study On Traumatic Brain Injury - 6523 Words

parindent{ }Traumatic brain injury is a significant health problem in the United States that is estimated to occur in 1.6-1.8 million persons annually (citealt{faul2010}). Diffuse axonal injury is %the most frequently occurring a common type of traumatic brain injury primarily characterized by damage to the axons (citealt{smith2000, Gennarelli1982}). An improved understanding of the pathophysiology of diffuse axonal injury is needed to develop improved diagnostic tools, protective measures and rehabilitation treatments(citealt{Giordano2014}). Many techniques have been developed to help elucidate the injury mechanism associated with diffuse axonal injury over years. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is one such technique where the mesoscale structural information is studied to investigate the diffuse axonal injury. Finite element models have also provided a means to investigate diffuse axonal injury. Several finite element head models have been developed and reported in the literature (citealt{shugar1977,ward1980,hosey1982,Ruan1991,mendis1992,bandak1995,kang1997,al1999,Zhang2001,Kleiven2002,brands2002,takhounts2003,horgan2005,Kleiven2007,iwamoto2007,takhounts2008,panzer2012,mao2013,tse2014,cotton2015}). These models have demonstrated that over time, the structural resolution of the head models, including advancements in constitutive laws, anatomical resolution, and injury descriptions were improved. Previous studies have shown that the brain tissue is anisotropicShow MoreRelatedBrain Studies on Traumatic Brain Injuries1953 Words   |  8 Pagesfrom a traumatic brain injury. While working at a railroad site, an iron tamping rod (43 inches long, 1.25 diameter) went through his left cheek, through his brain, and out the skull. He surprisingly ended up surviving this traumatic injury. After a month in the hospital, he was back out on the street. Once a nice, caring person, Phineas t urned into an aggressive man who could not even keep a job. Just like Phineas Gage, a TBI can potentially change everything. Brain studies on traumatic brain injuriesRead MoreA Study On Traumatic Brain Injury6523 Words   |  27 Pagesparindent{ }Traumatic brain injury is a significant health problem in the United States that is estimated to occur in 1.6-1.8 million persons annually (citealt{faul2010}). Diffuse axonal injury is %the most frequently occurring a common type of traumatic brain injury primarily characterized by damage to the axons (citealt{smith2000, Gennarelli1982}). An improved understanding of the pathophysiology of diffuse axonal injury is needed to develop improved diagnostic tools, protective measures andRead MoreA Study On Traumatic Brain Injury6528 Words   |  27 Pages parindent{ }Traumatic brain injury is a significant health problem in the United States that is estimated to occur in 1.6-1.8 million persons annually (citealt{faul2010}). Diffuse axonal injury is a common type of traumatic brain injury primarily characterized by damage to the axons (citealt{smith2000, Gennarelli1982}). An enhanced knowledge of the pathophysiology of diffuse axonal injury is required to develop improved diagnostic tools, protective measures and rehabilitation treatments(citealt{Giordano2014})Read MoreA Case Study : Traumatic Brain Injury2029 Words   |  9 Pages A Case Study: Traumatic Brain Injury Jennifer Buechler University of San Diego Traumatic Brain Injury Introduction Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when there is a sudden, direct injury to the head. This type of wound can result from a bump, blow, or jolt to the cranium. It may even result from the penetration of a foreign object into the brain tissue. Most TBI’s result from car accidents, sports injuries, blunt trauma, unintentional injuries and falls, with falls accountingRead MoreThe Effect Of Calcium On The Contribution Of Calcium Uptake Of The Vesicular Glutamate Released Into The Extracellular Space855 Words   |  4 Pagesanimals with traumatic brain injuries had significantly higher levels of extracellular glutamate evidenced by a nearly 80% increase when compared to the healthy mice (Hinzman et. Al., 2012). This showed that calcium mediated neuronal glutamate release may contribute to the cytotoxicity experienced by patients affected by traumatic brain injury. The second part of the study examined the importance of excitatory amino acid transporters in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury. To accomplishRead MoreTraumatic Brain Syndrome in Veterans1070 Words   |  4 PagesIssue: Traumatic Brain syndrome in veterans Introduction: Soldiers returning from combat face a wide range of challenges in adjusting to civilian life. These challenges are compounded by the high susceptibility of combat-experienced soldiers to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and overlapping symptoms of traumatic brain syndrome. As the two articles considered hereafter demonstrate, the U.S. military has sought better ways of understanding the primary symptoms and health consequences of traumaticRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Concussion1312 Words   |  6 Pageslong-term brain damage and cognitive impairment later in life. A concussion is a subset of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and results from shaking the brain within the skull. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (the â€Å"AANS†) has defined a concussion as â€Å"a clinical syndrome characterized by an immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including an alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical for ce or trauma.† (Sports-related Head Injury) TheRead MoreRecovery Time After Concussion Essay855 Words   |  4 PagesResearch Question: Can blood test predict recovery time after concussion? Abstract Background: There is currently no objective testing markers to predict recovery time after an athlete suffers a concussion. Recent studies are aimed to determine whether or not biomarkers in the blood will be able to help in identifying recovery time after a concussion. Purpose: To determine whether or not protein biomarkers in the blood can serve to predict adequate recovery time after a concussion. Results:Read MoreA Traumatic Brain Injury 1708 Words   |  7 PagesA traumatic brain injury (â€Å"TBI†) occurs when the brain is somehow injured, rattled, or wounded from an external source of force. The means of acquisition and the severity of TBIs are unique to each patient; therefore, symptoms and rehabilitation can vary greatly depending on the patient’s condition following the incident and how they sustained the injury. The severity of a TBI is generally classified into one of three categories: mild, moderate, or severe, and this type of diagnostic criteria influencesRead MoreSelf Reported Pain And Pain Management Strategies Among Veterans With Traumatic Brain Injury1593 Words   |  7 Pages The authors of the pilot study all have remarkable educational backgrounds. To begin, with, I discovered P.R.King, G.P. Beehler, and M.J.Wade all had limited amount of experience due to only writing one or two articles that were published, but King Beeler, and Wade all ha ve PHD’s. The article was clearly identified as a quantative study by the authors using a pilot study. The variables of the study are the self-reported pain and pain management strategies. The study was gathered included a group A Study On Traumatic Brain Injury - 6523 Words parindent{ }Traumatic brain injury is a significant health problem in the United States that is estimated to occur in 1.6-1.8 million persons annually (citealt{faul2010}). Diffuse axonal injury is %the most frequently occurring a common type of traumatic brain injury primarily characterized by damage to the axons (citealt{smith2000, Gennarelli1982}). An improved understanding of the pathophysiology of diffuse axonal injury is needed to develop improved diagnostic tools, protective measures and rehabilitation treatments(citealt{Giordano2014}). Many techniques have been developed to help elucidate the injury mechanism associated with diffuse axonal injury over years. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is one such technique where the mesoscale†¦show more content†¦parindent{ }Tissue anisotropy plays a significant role in accurately predicting the extent as well as the location of the white matter damage (citealt{wright2012}). Table~ ef{tab:1} shows a list of finite element stud ies that included diffusion tensor imaging tractography in the injury analysis. Most of the studies (citealt{colgan2010, wright2012, wright2013, Kraft2012, sahoo2014, kleiven2014}) used a diffusion tensor imaging apprised anisotropic material models to represent brain tissue during the analysis. The axonal strains were then calculated using explicit post processing steps. These studies mapped multiple voxels from DTI data to a single element in the finite element model using an averaged fiber orientation/ fiber dispersion measure. To account for the effect of multiple fiber orientations per element, researchers used fractional anisotropy informed material models to represent brain tissue (citealt{wright2013,sahoo2014,kleiven2014}). However, calculating an averaged representation of fiber orientations and fiber dispersion values over multiple voxels might cause a loss of some axonal strain information and accuracy of the material model. %Therefore, there is a strong need to develop a robust methodology for constructing a 3D FE head model that can accommodate both the anisotropic response and high level of anatomical detail. At the same time, this should avoid the need for complex mapping schemes (mapping DTI

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Conflict Resolution Of The Workplace - 2822 Words

Conflict in the Workplace Kara K. Martin University of South Dakota Abstract While an individual may attempt to avoid conflict in the workplace, there is no way to actually escape it. In the workplace environment, there are a variety of co-worker relationships and challenging work situations that may increase our emotional response. Therefore, it is important for employees to have the skills and abilities to recognize when conflict occurs, identify the type of conflict, and to implement effective strategies that will bring about a rapid resolution to the conflict which satisfies all stakeholders. Many people allow themselves to become emotional which is ineffectual when conflict occurs. Other individuals are fearful of conflict in the workplace and hope that if they bury their heads in the sand the situation may resolve on its own without any interventions. Unfortunately, very seldom does conflict in the workplace resolve on its own accord. In order to prevent conflict from escalating, it is imperative for employees to take a proactive approach and implement strategies which provide a framework for conflict resolution. Methods for conflict resolution are provided with Bernard Mayer’s Wheel of Conflict (Mayer, 2000) and Christopher Moore’s Triangle of Satisfaction (Moore, 2003). This paper will provide an analysis of a workplace conflict and demonstrate conflict resolution utilizing each method. Keywords: conflict, framework, resolution, Triangle of Satisfaction,Show MoreRelatedConflict resolution in the workplace800 Words   |  4 PagesConflict resolution in the workplace Introduction Conflict is a fact in any relationship including the work area. Still, it is important to emphasize that some conflicts should not be seen as good or bad, they are just differences. Many times when there are disagreements between players these issues are left on the table without giving much emphasis. Unfortunately some of these conflicts have reached a level that ends in a physical altercation. When things get out of proportion, the sports psychologistRead MoreConflict Resolution Of The Workplace1585 Words   |  7 Pages Conflict Resolution Although many of us go great lengths to avoid it, sometimes it is just inevitable. People in the workplace setting will always have different ideas, values, and attitudes than others around them. A conflict can arouse in any given setting, and the affect it can have on those involved can either be negative or positive. Depending on the approach and strategies utilized during and after a conflict will determine the result of the conflict. Conflict helps people recognize legitimateRead MoreConflict Resolution at the Workplace1597 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Workplace Conflict Resolution If you search the word conflict in the dictionary, you are likely to find plenty of negative connotations. Many explain conflict as: coming to collision or a disagreement; clash; contention; controversy; fighting or quarreling, states Random House (1975). As these definitions are negative in nature, most people tend to withdraw when they enter an arena with conflict. Business Environment Conflict If you can recognize and understand exactly what creates conflictRead MoreConflict Resolution Within The Workplace1224 Words   |  5 Pagesmethods to address conflict resolution within the workplace. The purpose of this paper is to discuss specific techniques and tools to resolve conflict within the workplace. A description of a workplace conflict at my current place of employment will be provided. The impact that cultural norms may have on conflict will be briefly considered. Additionally, the impact that conflict has on leadership’s decision making will be addressed. In discussing resolution of this particular conflict, specific techniquesRead MoreConflict Resolution And Resolving Workplace Conflicts1304 Words   |  6 Pages Conflict Resolution Conflicts are inevitable. It is necessary for the advanced practice nurse to have skills in approaching conflicts, negotiations, and resolutions (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, Grady, 2014). According to Hamric et al. (2014), you do not have to feel pressured to instantly agree with other teammates; however, be respectful and listen intently and identify what you are able to offer to the team. Conflicts occur because of the different points of view. They can also happen becauseRead MoreThe Conflict Resolution : The Workplace Rights Against Conflict And Harassment At Workplace Essay941 Words   |  4 Pagestogether. The conflict resolution procedure has been made, as a foundation to ensure that the work environment will stays positive which is under the workplace rights against conflict and harassment at workplace, in the workplace policy have to include informal and formal conflict resolution which to divide small issues at workplace which can be deal within a short time or small action and with the bigger issues at workplace that can be take to the legal team to solve the conflict that will meetRead MoreEssay on Conflict Resolution In The Workplace939 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the past year’s Mr. Diamond we have had problems with disagreements and conflicts between our employees. I believe it is imperative that we work at helpful solutions a nd attempt to stop the conflicts, and limit them as much as possible. I will now present to you my proposal on what the conflicts are, and a solution to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First and foremost we must look at the reasons for the conflict. The goals between the individual and groups of individuals are at times not attainable. WeRead MoreEssay about Conflict Resolution In The Workplace2485 Words   |  10 PagesLook up the word conflict in the dictionary and you will see several negative responses. Descriptions such as: to come into collision or disagreement; be at variance or in opposition; clash; to contend; do battle; controversy; quarrel; antagonism or opposition between interests or principles Random House (1975). With the negative reputation associated with this word, no wonder people tend to shy away when they start to enter into the area of conflict. D. Jordan (1996) suggests that there are twoRead MoreWorkplace Conflict Resolution – a Case Study852 Words   |  4 PagesWorkplace Conflict Resolution – A Case Study Posted on October 13, 2009 Leaders frequently face situations where conflict arises in the workplace and they’re called upon to resolve the situation.   Although conflict is not generally regarded as a positive experience it actually can be a key opportunity to create change that will reduce friction in the workplace.   We can begin to defuse conflict by understanding what it is and implementing some practical strategies to manage it. Conflict is a naturalRead MoreWorkplace Conflict Resolution Pl Effective And Healthy Lifestyle902 Words   |  4 PagesWorkplace Conflict Resolution Plan Introduction: Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Under normal circumstances, the conflict is due to different values, personality, opinions, and goals and needs human outbreak. Workplace seems to establish the value of differences and different points of view, which is what leads to specific conflicts. However, the conflict is not always a bad thing. This may lead to innovative solutions, people with similar views and opinions, it is not possible. The key

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Advocacy Letter free essay sample

My name is R. Wong. I am a self-supporting student who is experiencing the difficulties of making ends meet in order to finance my education. I work part-time with only a minimal amount of salary that cannot sustain the considerable amount of school expenses that I have. The current economic crisis has caused many individuals to lose their jobs and some to endure lower salaries. In relation to this, many students like me go through a really hard time in settling our educational expenses. This situation might force many students to stop studying if it is not properly addressed. I am writing to urge you to invest into public education. Former President George W. Bush passed the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which aims to improve the performance of primary and secondary schools. However, the funds allocated for this program are not enough to sustain educational expenses. We need more support and assistance from your good office. We will write a custom essay sample on Advocacy Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By doing so, you will give us a good chance of finishing school and getting quality education that will enable us to pursue our dreams and contribute to the robustness of the society. Education plays an important role in the life of every individual and in the development of a country. It is during this time of crisis that we need more literate people more than ever. Please consider the welfare of students and our country as a whole, as hope lies in the future of well-educated people.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Parallel Arrays free essay sample

An array of structures are usually equivalent to parallel arrays of the components. For example, if each student record consists of an ID number and a GPA value, then a list of students can be represented as an array of structure: The same data can be stored as two arrays that parallel to each other, in the sense that the same index in them indicate data for the same student: Usually the first way is more natural and convenient. Advantages and disadvantages Against Arrays Compared to arrays, linked data structures allow more flexibility in organizing the data and in allocating space for it. With arrays, we must choose a size for our array once and for all; this can be a potential waste of memory. A linked Data structure is built dynamically and never needs to be bigger than the programmer requires. It also requires no guessing in terms of how much space you must allocate when using a linked data structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Parallel Arrays or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a feature that is Key in saving wasted memory. The nodes of a linked data structure can also be moved individually to different locations without affecting the logical connections between them, unlike arrays. With due care, a process can add or delete nodes to one part of a data structure even while other processes are working on other parts. On the other hand, access to any particular node in a linked data structure requires following a chain of references that stored in it. If the structure has n nodes, and each node contains at most b links, there will be some nodes that cannot be reached in less than log b n steps. For many structures, some nodes may require worst case up to n -1 steps. In contrast, many array data structures allow access to any element with a constant number of operations, independent of the number of entries. General Disadvantages Linked data structures also may also incur in substantial memory allocation overhead (if nodes are allocated individually) and frustrate memory paging nd processor caching algorithms (since they generally have poor locality of reference). In some cases, linked data structures may also use more memory (for the link fields) than competing array structures. This is because linked data structures are not contiguous. Instances of data can be found all over in memory, unlike arrays. In some theoretical models of computation that enforce the constraints of linked structures, such as the pointer machine, many prob lems require more steps than in the unconstrained random access machine model.